Senin, 20 Agustus 2018


Humancoin: самая мощная платформа пожертвований блокчин

Проблемы и возможности

Несмотря на экспоненциальные темпы роста в области цифровизации, наиболее привлекательная гуманитарная отрасль гуманитарного сектора отстает от технологической кривой.

И пожертвования по-прежнему обрабатываются традиционным способом, что порождает мошенничество и многие другие нарушения.

Humancoin, концептуальная идея, поставила на первый план проблемы, которые попали на благотворительный рынок, пытаясь нарушить способ оказания донорами / спонсорами благотворительных организаций по всему миру, предлагая решения на основе блокчин.


Самой важной проблемой, которая может помешать росту благотворительной индустрии, является отсутствие действительно чистой благотворительности. В основном, в странах третьего мира найти некоммерческую организацию, которая на сто процентов привержена делу, невозможна, потому что это часто происходит. Часто эти компании используют тот факт, что благотворительные акции очень привлекательны для правительства и интересов частных агентов, потому что они более ответственны за получение средств и скрываются под завесой, пытаясь получить деньги от ничего не подозревающих спонсоров. двусмысленность представляет собой сложную задачу для доноров, которые хотят отфильтровать через то, что называется организацией, и найти оригинал. Иногда доноры сдаются после тщательного поиска.

Зная тяжкие задачи, которые испытывают филантропические кандидаты, Хуманкойн запустил платформу, в которую войдут оригинальные некоммерческие организации и их благотворительные проекты. Это объединит все благотворительные учреждения, которые могут быть проверены, и предполагаемые доноры распространились по всему миру под одной крышей. Это революционно, потому что организации могут регистрировать свои проекты устремлений на платформе, чтобы потенциальные спонсоры могли легко получить достоверную информацию о своих программах и финансировать их.

Неизбежно, что мошенничество будет резко сокращено, потому что деньги, захватившие компании с ложными намерениями, уступят оригиналу. Между тем платформа будет предоставлять информацию в режиме реального времени, которая очень точна относительно местоположения организации, которая ищет средства, количество пожертвований, способы их использования и их социальное воздействие. Благодаря использованию распределенной публичной книги с блокноями, которая не может быть изменена для мониторинга пожертвований и намеченных целей, значительный уровень прозрачности возвращается всей экосистеме.

Передача географических ограничений

Непрекращающаяся экосистема без физических границ в течение многих лет избегала благотворительной отрасли. Это оказало большое влияние на количество пожертвований в развивающихся странах, поскольку крупные средства поступают из-за пределов побережья этих стран. Кроме того, многие страны находятся ниже границы трансграничных финансовых операций, что препятствует плавному притоку межграничных пожертвований. Спонсоры, часто неохотно берутся за многонациональные благотворительные акции, опасаясь привлечения нормативных исследований. Однако благодаря экосистеме пожертвований сильные Humancoin, филантропы и благотворительные учреждения теперь могут привязать себя к единой платформе для пожертвования и получения доноров из всех уголков мира без больших финансовых затрат и плавного перехода к географическим задачам.

Моментальный платеж

Учитывая, что с рядом хороших благотворительных организаций, которые все еще работают в устаревших платежных системах, которые иногда также препятствуют плавным пожертвованиям, Humancoin предполагает мир, в котором люди могут легко финансировать благотворительные проекты в любой части мира за считанные секунды, вводя токены, основанные на эфире, HUMA - которая обрабатывает все формы пожертвований на платформе. Это обеспечит быстрое время транзакций, потому что токены настроены на экосистему для оптимизации потока платежей.

Обеспечивая высокую ликвидность по мере того, как токены могут торговаться на общественном обмене, объем внутри- / межграничных взносов будет увеличиваться. Организациям, независимо от местоположения, будет предложено перечислить свои проекты на платформе, чтобы они могли увеличить количество благотворительных проектов в распоряжении спонсоров.

Команда: Познакомьтесь с предпринимателями, которые стремятся создать первую платформу онлайн-пожертвований на основе блокчин.

Значок экономии

Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2018


Humancoin-Cryptocurrency Triggered by Evidence from the Charitable Mining Protocol


As it sounds, Blockchain really is a system to bring everyone to the most important level of responsibility. And there are no more missed exchanges, human or machine errors, or even unfinished trade with the approval of the included meeting. Above anything else, the most basic area where Blockchain causes is to ensure the validity of the exchange by recording it in the registration of principles and the arrangement of scattered registers, all of which are linked through a secure agreement component.

Blockchain is a morally computerized record of monetary exchange that can be adjusted to record not only the exchange of money that is related but for all purposes and purposes of everything that is valuable. Blockchain innovations resembling web in this case have worked in power. By placing data squares that cannot be distinguished from the system, blockchain cannot be controlled by a single substance and has no single purpose of disappointment. The web itself turns out to be difficult for only 30 years. This is a reputation that looks good for blockchain innovation because it continues to be produced.

Overview Of Humancoin

HumanCoin is a new e-commerce cryptocurrency driven by the Proof of Charity mining convention. And Humancoin is a progressive stage realizing the cooperative energy of the altruism industry, retail internet business and digital money market, which together have consolidated estimates of $ 3.5 trillion.

Humancoin is an attempt to leap forward blockchain, which joins donors and beneficiaries of assets in the solitary phase in the most profitable and straightforward way. Generous (which is made of one of three of us internationally) can quickly make gifts around the world, filter their purchases on the web and then get rebates from the foot of the stage.

Philanthropic activities can bring in stores with the least overhead costs in a short period of time with pleasant cash. Blockchains can reduce requirements for outsiders (long-chain banks, NGOs, government offices, law offices and others). Blockchain can decipher the stage on a significantly larger scale.

The Humancoin Stage offers industry-appropriate and long-term answers to philanthropy through solidification of three progressive procedures, a digital currency market, blockchain innovation and a web-based business persistence program. The stage brings together all partners, including donors, beneficiaries, and web-based business clients. The organization has created an interface that allows its members to send gifts quickly and intelligently to their chosen country, exchange screens, and can view reports.

Humancoin joined the altruist and beneficiaries on one P2P set up in the most accommodating and direct way. The blockchain stage will breathe new life into the business of generosity and is an engine of progress. In addition, this is an overall reliability program essential for more and more online business accessories.

The P2P stage creates a path and biological system in which the giver, beneficiary and internet business player will take part.

This stage interface allows members to quickly send gifts to any country with a well-known monetary form, which will allow you to follow the exchange of tasks and generous efforts.

The Humancoin stage is specifically intended to encourage connection procedures, and most will be done between donors and recipients.


Settings provided by HumanCoin

  •  Blockchain understands trust issues by giving directness, tracking and security
  • Helpers can quickly make gifts around the world, filter their use on the web, and benefit from the foot of the stage
  • Profitable interactions of online businesses and digital currencies will encourage generous expansion
Among the task minions are large online shops, benefit organizations, media and game outlets, operators, cryptoexchanges, universal companies, lack of respect for whether they work in the form of cryptographic money or not.

Incredible Humancoin spotlight:
  •  This is the first blockchain business that might become an internet business program aggregator around the world
  •  Relationships with altruism give their tokens as a good position in creating a program of perseverance with minions who create an interesting enthusiastic echo
  • Instead of competing with existing projects, the Humancoin token is easily incorporated into the existing framework officially - all that is needed is to determine the level of transformation.
How to function

The stage provides an opportunity to fully track prizes on the web, and choose and position for businesses and providers together with different highlights.

There is also an option to get a receipt for each prize that will be used for the purposes of costing reasoning by relying on the giver's fee ward.

The future extension of the assignment will be financed by 5% - costs derived from assets collected for philanthropic business, which is 4 times lower than the normal market.

Why You Must Invest in HumanCoin!

The Humancoin token can easily be changed to focus, miles, prizes or coupons. Token owners will be given the motivation to hold them to take advantage of attractive benefits and this gives the demand for long-term and stable tokens.

Because of the number of minions and the extent to which participation in the Humancoin Network was developed, so did the popularity of tokens.

Confirmation of "mining" philanthropic ideas allows businesses to reach scale very many times.

Because of the very favorable conditions of square-chain innovation, the development of the philanthropic business must be essentially improved.


Name of Token: HUMA

Platform: Ethereum

Standard: ERC20

Quantity: 3,055,000,000 HUMA

Price: 1 HUMA = 0.01

Payment: ETH, BTC, LTC

Soft stamp: 6,000,000 USD

Hard cap: 26,000,000 USD

For more information, please visit the link below:

Author: Rahmadi


HUMANCOIN: New E-Commerce Cryptocurrency Triggered By Evidence of Charity Mining Protocol

Welcome my friends. Today I want to tell you about a unique project. Under the control of the strongest team. These people offer tech products. And look at the investment potential, it's huge. Recently, we haven't heard anything about cryptocurrency, and today, every day we see new platform and project ads. Every new project, trying to be better than before, Humancoin is definitely a very good project.

Before I continue, let's look at this short video

Humancoin is a good currency.
Humancoin is a revolutionary platform that brings synergy in the philanthropic, retail e-commerce and digital currency markets. P2P platforms create roads and ecosystems where donors, recipients and e-commerce players will participate.

This platform interface will allow participants to send donations quickly to any country with popular currencies, which allows tracking of transactions and charitable projects.
The Humancoin platform offers sustainable and long-term solutions for charity through the consolidation of three revolutionary processes, the crypto currency market, blockchain technology and e-commerce loyalty programs. This platform brings together all stakeholders, including donors, recipients and e-commerce users. The company has built an interface that allows participants to send donations quickly and interactively to the countries they choose, monitor transactions, and can view reports.

Lack of Trust
This has become a serious problem for the platform, consisting of:
Doubt whether contributions will reach recipients in full and on time, and lack of trust in charity.
High operating costs of transactions, complexity of cross-border payments, and dealing with regulatory bodies.
Inability to see additional benefits for making donations.
Great competition in e-commerce with the most pressing challenge is to retain existing customers.

Blockchain solves the problem of trust by providing transparency, traceability and security.
Donors can quickly donate to the world, monitor their purchases online, and receive benefits from platform partners.
The symbiosis of e-commerce and cryptocurrency will facilitate an increase in the number of donors.
Among project partners are large online stores, service businesses, game and entertainment industries, airlines, cryptoexchanges, and international companies, regardless of whether they operate with cryptocurrency or not.

How Humancoin works
This platform provides an opportunity to fully track online donations, as well as selecting and ranking projects and philanthropic along with other features.
There is also the option to receive a receipt for each donation that will be used for tax reduction purposes depending on the donor tax jurisdiction.
Future project expansion will be financed by 5% - generated from funds collected for charity projects, which are 4 times lower than the market average.

Humancoin feature
This is the first blockchain project that has the potential to become a global e-commerce loyalty aggregator
The association with philanthropy provides a unique token of profit in developing loyalty programs with partners that create strong emotional resonance
Instead of competing with existing programs, Humancoin tokens can be easily integrated into existing systems - all that is needed is setting conversion rates

Humancoin is a P2P platform and ecosystem that brings together donors, recipients and e-commerce players. The platform interface allows participants to send donations quickly to any country in popular currencies, to monitor transactions and view reports about their charity activities and to use international customer loyalty programs.
The Humancoin platform is designed with the aim of facilitating the interaction process between philanthropists and beneficiaries to the most likely level: Project details based on categories and subcategories, such as health, natural disasters, religion and environment, various mechanisms for ranking projects and creating online polls, data about legal and financial verification of each project (forensic audit), integrated wallet with currency conversion, translation into various languages, mobile application, built-in messenger, expense tracking and online reports, easy-to-use dashboards with individual settings for users.

Humancoin is an open P2P platform that allows donors to make direct donations. By design, this project is also not tied to certain charitable organizations or local communities. The world of charity is international, diverse, and depends on billions of people from all countries and all nations.
The Humancoin platform can manage most crypto and popular fiat currencies. Humancoin does not place restrictions on projects and users in terms of currency. Generous make all decisions independently.
Humancoin does not impose artificial use of tokens on charity transactions. Donors can transfer money in the desired currency to the recipient using the built-in currency conversion instrument on the Humancoin platform.
The Humancoin platform can manage most crypto and popular fiat currencies. Humancoin does not place restrictions on projects and users in terms of currency.
This platform will display the industry's most functional and easy-to-use interface, displaying a list of all projects grouped by categories, ranking systems, voting tools and hosts from other integrated services.
Humancoin will be the first platform to use professional (financial and legal) expertise from independent audit companies (forensic audits), especially for the purpose of evaluating large projects.

Tokens and Ico Details
Name of Token: HUMA
Platform: Ethereum
Standard: ERC20
Amount: 3,055,000,000 HUMA
Price: 1 HUMA = 0.01
Payment: ETH, BTC, LTC
Soft stamp: 6,000,000 USD
Hard cap: 26,000,000 USD

Token Distribution

3 055 million: For sale
1 000 million: Partnership Development Fund
600 million: Team prize
50% is blocked by a smart contract for 6 months.
50% blocked for 12 months
600 million: Advisers and ambassadors
500 million: Consultants and exchanges
245 million: Bounty, air referral and programs
reference 3,055,000,000 Humancoin tokens are available on the Token Sale
The price of one token is $ 0.01
Minimum purchase - 0.1 ETH

Distribution of Humancoin Tokens
Presale will take place from 1 July to 15 August 2018.
Token sales will take place from 15 September to 1 November 2018.
This token is expected to increase by $ 1 per minute.
Softcap will be $ 6 per minute.
Hardcap will be $ 26 per minute.
Available tokens for sale are 3 055 000 000.
Presale will be 150 000 000 with a 50% bonus.
Stage 1 token sales will have 945 000 000 with a 35% bonus.
The 2nd stage for token sales will be 960 000 000 and it will have 20% bonus available.
The 3rd stage for selling tokens will have 1 000 000 000 with a 0% bonus.
Any tokens left unsold will be burned.
The token will be allocated to the user's personal account and the distribution will be made after the conclusion of the token sale and will then be registered with the popular cryptoexchanges.


Meet an extraordinary team

For more information, please visit:

Author: Rahmadi

Jumat, 17 Agustus 2018


All good time today, friends! And today we will talk a little about your security, and security is not simple, but "cyber". Tadaaam! Modern society has long needed defenders, who will protect them from the influence and actions of intruders. Lately, thousands have suffered criminal acts from intruders. People, companies lose money, reputation, and others. While many criminals never get what they deserve and go unpunished. And all because our security system is very weak and cannot overcome cyber attacks. So why should we suffer why everyone who is offended or dissatisfied can use our personal information about ourselves. In an age when the world is ruled by information, personal data security is the number one problem, and people need to protect their personal data.

This is the problem StealthCrypto is working on! The company's mission is to protect the maximum personal data of its users against cyber attacks, by hiding all information and encryption.

What is this company? All good time today, friends! And today we will talk a little about your security, and security is not simple, but "cyber". Tadaaam! Modern society has long needed defenders, who will protect them from the influence and actions of intruders. Lately, thousands have suffered criminal acts from intruders. People, companies lose money, reputation, and others. While many criminals never get what they deserve and go unpunished. And all because our security system is very weak and cannot overcome cyber attacks. So why should we suffer why everyone who is offended or dissatisfied can use our personal information about ourselves. In an age when the world is governed by information, and personal data security is the number one problem.

Cryptophone will be protected as much as possible from external cyber attacks. In its use, it will be truly identical to your smartphone, because with that you can also call, write sms / mms, and use social. network and e-mail, using virtual storage to download / download information and files, you can even make audio and video conferences. In this case, all of these actions will be hidden from all external attacks, all actions will be encrypted. Make sure no one knows about your conversation. All this will be achieved thanks to a decentralized platform and encryption of all the information that will pass through it and the new QUBIT protocol. StealthCrypto guarantees the highest level of information security.

This company even has a kind of slogan, SteathCrypto is not just a project, it protects your life and your personal data, as well as convenience.

The StealthCrypto company will become the first cryptophones manufacturer with security services approved by Cyber ​​Сloud.

Now let's look at the StealthCrypto tokens, these tokens play an important role in StealthCrypto Ecosystem operations. StealthCrypto is a multifunction token that will function on the platform as a key to various functions, products and collections. I also want to note that the liquidity created by the StealthCrypto token will allow users to quickly and easily switch between different currencies.

Information about tokens:
Token name: QMN
Ethereum platform.
The maximum number of coins issued is 400 million QMN.
Price for 1 current token: 0.50 USD.


Bitcointalk username: Rahmadi

Senin, 13 Agustus 2018


About Stealthgrid

Stealthcrypto Nredlagaet builds a decentralized network for encrypted communications in the world. Increasing efficiency and reducing costs through decentralizing connected networks is one of the main objectives of the platform. StealthCrypto is used to develop economic models that are distributed among each member of the global network
Acerca De StealthCrypto

Acerca de StealthCrypto

Quantum cyber security in the era of the new era de Comunicaciones: estamos desarrollando la red de malla cuántica descentralizada, stimulation and autoustanavlivaemost más grande basada en la Tecnología blockchain. Uso de Dynamic Split Encryption, Dynamic Split GeoDistribution "extreme process extremists", "Distribution", "Cryptographic data distribution", "Quantum cryptographic protector", "Cryptographic protection", "Combined data", intellectual, IoT y banca. El equipo Creando un único ecosistema de Identidad digital segura de Quantum (QSDI) which excels superior a CUALQUIER Sistema de identificación existente, Que es Seguro, Privado y disponible pedido.

StealthCryto equip de desarrollo de Stealth Grid as an enlightenment for Solidarity experince teccio y conocimiento único del mercado, con 2/3 de los empleados trabajando en I + D, incluido un equipo internacional de expertos en seguridad y una serie de criptógrafos de renombre mundial.

Commercial Model

StealthCryto know about the expertise of the protesters in the database utilizing the use of technology, descentralizada de seguridad blockchain de Proxima Generación the successors of a defect against los desafia emergency en un entorno de amenazas en Evolucion. Regency of Nuestro cifrado de red de alto rendimiento para la proteccion de datos a largo plazo General de los Angeles

StealthCrypto hace que el almacenamiento en la nube, la IO y las Comunicaciones sean seguros y más Rapidos con StealthCrypto patentado por StealthCrypto

¿Qué es StealthCrypto?
El token de la utilidad Stealth Crypto SERA la criptomoneda Nativa del sistema Stealth Cherry. "Los Fondos" conducts research aimed at displaying activities in the development and use of StealthCrypto Cloud en elosisema StealthCrypto software. "Los Angeles de los de los de Stealth Crypto" depends on the perfection of the Stealth Grid and la demanda del mercado.

Uso de Fondos y token de asignación

StealthCrypto Magic Template

Soluciones cuánticas de seguridad cibernética
Q1 2018 (proyectado)
Lanzamiento de productos unificados de Comunicacion de punto punto blockchain que incluyen, mensajería instantánea, almacenamiento en la nube y uso compartido de archivos, correo electrónico, voz y videoconferencia que utiliz cifrado Divido Dinamico, geodestribución DINAMICA, autenticación y nuestra Tecnología patentada de seguridad cibernética Quantum .

Red Distribuida StealthCrypto - Red de malla Quantum
Q2 2018 (proyectado)
Una red de almacenamiento en nube peer-to-peer entrelazada StealthCrypto®, carried out on the basis of dynamo dinamodicheskogo mode of extreme extreme extreme, in accordance with the principles of decontamination, including using public facilities protection against discrimination. Además, Lanza nuestro Teléfono StealthCrypto.

Desarrollo y prueba de qubit Blockchain
Q3 2018 (proyectado)
Desarrolle y pruebe qubit Blockchain for su realistic en nuestra red Quantum Net

Apply patents for patents and patents for the Blockchain qubit, including StealthCrypto software and software.

Lanzamiento de qubit Blockchain
Q4 2018 (proyectado)
Lanzamiento de qubit Blockchain for dentro de Stealth Grid Ut utilizado ser, El ecosistema StealthCrypto y red Quantum Net

Lanzamiento de Bursa qubit
Q2 2019 (proyectado)

Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2018


Humancoin is a breakthrough blockchain project, which unites philanthropists and recipients of funds on a single platform in the most convenient and transparent way. Donors (consisting of one of three globalization) can quickly donate to the world, share their purchases online and also receive offers from platform partners. Charity projects can receive funds with minimal overheads and in a short time in a comfortable currency.

Humancoin is a revolutionary platform that transforms industry for satisfaction, specifically created to work socializing with e-commerce and cryptocurrency markets, which together have a combined value of $ 3.5 trillion!
Humancoin tokens can also be easily converted to tokens, miles, bonuses and other coupons. The token owner will optimize to take advantage of attractive benefits, this provides a stable long-term demand. Because the number of partners and the scale in the Humancoin network grows, tokens grow.

This is the first in the history of the blockchain project, which can be a global aggregator of e-commerce loyalty programs. With the Association's philanthropic token providing unique advantages in developing loyalty programs with partners to create a strong emotional resonance from competing with existing programs, Humancoin can be easily integrated into existing systems - all that is needed - is to set conversion rates

Humancoin's unique feature
  •  This is the first blockchain project that has the potential to become a global e-commerce loyalty aggregator program
  • Association with philanthropy gives its tokens a unique attraction in developing loyalty programs with partners that create strong emotional resonance
  • Instead of competing with existing programs, Humancoin tokens are easily integrated into existing systems - all that is needed is setting conversion rates
Problems Related to Altitude.
There is no doubt in the method of donation, but even with that, the charity industry has not been able to remove obstacles.
Donors, most of whom are private companies, have trust issues when they contribute.
Also, you know that most of the money is already used for charitable foundations.
The need for transaction costs is transaction costs.

Available Solution.
A long charity chain consisting of banks, NGOs, state agencies and law firms will be given to the end by distributed ledger technology. Using the blockchain platform will be able to provide digital problems that will be used to view and view any transaction.

This new technology, on a larger scale, will be able to facilitate direct financing development platforms. Philanthropists and the benefits of selling their funds.
Industrial growth is very important, because of the huge advantages offered by blockchain technology.

How it works
This platform provides the opportunity to fully donate online, as well as providing votes for projects and philanthropic along with other features
There is also the option to receive a sign for each part that will be used for tax purposes in the donor tax jurisdiction
Future project expansion will be financed by 5% - generated from funds collected for charitable projects, which is 4 times more than the market average.

Token Sales
  • 3,055,000,000 ERC20 Humancoins available
  • All tokens that will not be discarded will be burned
  • The price of one token is $ 0.01
  • Minimum purchase - 0.1 ETH
  • July 1 - August 15
  • It is expected to generate $ 1 million
Token Sales
  • September 15 - November 1
  • Softcap - $ 6 million
  • Hardcap - $ 26 million
Bonus Token Sales For Sale - 3 055 000 000
  • Presale: 50% bonus up to 150 000 000
  • Sale Token Phase 1: 35% bonus - 945 000 000
  • Sales of Tokens Stage 2: 20% bonus - 960 000 000
  • Sale Token Stage 3: 0% bonus - 1 000 000 000
Token Distribution
  • 3 055 million - For sale
  • 1 000 million - Partnership Development Fund
  • 600 million - Team prizes => 50% blocked by smart contracts for 6 months. => 50% blocked for 12 months
  • 600 million - Advisers and ambassadors
  • 500 million - Consultants and exchanges
  • 245 million - Bounty program, airstrip and referral
Funds involved in Token Sale determine the company's financial strategy and will be spent to develop the project in the 4th quarter 2018-2019. The ongoing Humancoin operation maintenance will be financed from a 5% fee from fundraising for a charity project.

2017 - Q1 2018
  • Development of project ideas
  • The formation of a core team and a collection of initial supporters
  • Consultation with the charity community and experts on loyalty gifts
  • Final team formation
Q2 2018
  • Start social media and PR campaigns
  • Preparation for Token Sales
Q3 2018
  • Token Sales
  • Platform development and team expansion
  • Initial negotiations with program partners
  • MVP
  • Conclusion of agreements with anchor charities
Q4 2018
  • Completion of Sales Tokens and listing on cryptoexchanges
  • Launch of the charity platform in beta
  • Conclusion of agreement with
  • e-commerce partners complete the establishment of the legal structure
Q1-Q2 2019
  • The platform enters operation
  • Fundraising for charities and distribution of tokens to donors for further development of the platform
Q3-Q4 2019
  • Full functionality of the platform
  • List extension
  • e-commerce partner
  • Extension of the list of charitable foundations


Crypto souk Exchange Exchange Cryptography Next generation

CryptoSouk has launched a trading platform cryptocurrency of St. Vincent the Grenadines & and Kuwait. The Exchange will be launched at the beginning of Q3 trading partner support 2018 Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Dash, Zcash and Monero.

The company plans to continue to add support for additional trading assets exceeding the company's perceived crypto minimum persistence. Our Exchange also allows the loading of your account with payment CRYPTOCURRENCY or FIAT. Based on the expertise of the team founder, we have chosen a partner to help us provide a platform of Exchange, liquidity on our Exchange, and various funding options.

Our vision is to build the next generation digital asset exchange for traders of any level of skill with the goal of creating digital currency trading can be accessed by everyone. We are devoted to improving the experience of trade execution our customers with fast, fair pricing, world class customer service, increased relentlessly and creativity have no limits. 

Top of Line Trading UI
CryptoSouk is a premier trading and financial technology company. We’ve built the best digital asset exchange by focusing on the needs of professional traders and digital currency experts. We are dedicated to making digital currency trading accessible, fast and totally secure.

Trade Tracking
To help you keep track of your trades and technical history, our integrated platform includes the ability to save the current chart to display jpeg. We also offer measurement tools a special area to find the duration, percentage change, and the change in the price so you don't have to do it by hand. Lastly, we offer users the ability to generate some special reports including activity of trading activity, transactions, and activities of the treasury and save the report as a CSV for facilitating tracing back. Exchange platform has been built from the ground up by expert senior and expert code CRYPTOCURRENCY to emphasize the redundancy, accuracy and speed. Our platform is built on StreamDB embedded database and combines checking errors and targeting some of the volume. We also replicate and back up all data exchange in real-time so that trade and Your user data is always secure.

Major currencies Trade Digital or Fiat
We offer all digital currency pairs and the main fiat that you like to trade.

Order Book
Update our live order book is strong in real-time and displays the buy and sell orders with Live Spread calculation so you can always lock the lowest spread and get the best deal. Our order system also automatically calculates the costs and include it in the price of the order so you always know that what you see is what you will pay. For larger orders, we offer the ability to report on the trade block to guarantee that the market will not move against you before your order is filled. Types of orders are available for regular trade and blocks including market, limit, stop and the other six.
